Stock Market Data Now on SpivOcom
Released on: April 10, 2008, 4:46 am
Press Release Author:
Industry: International Trade
Press Release Summary: Search engine launches financial channel with stock quotes and business news.
Press Release Body: As the search engine inches closer to its goal of releasing all of the channels planned in their expansion, SpivO ( announced today the launch of SpivO Finance. The finance channel on offers business and stock market news along with a simple stock quote system.
The stock quote system is an easy to use and "no frills" solution for users looking for quick market data and a small chart. Plans for integrating a screener and other useful investing tools are in the works but SpivO's Jack Thomas doesn't believe they should be top priority.
"SpivO Finance, like all of the new channels, is based on our philosophy of simple data delivery. Its main function is to provide basic market data to SpivO users." Jack Thomas continues, "We will someday include features like a market investing simulation service where investor's can invest in real stocks with a simulated solution to test strategies and improve their actual investing skills. However, with our goals currently focusing on getting all of our channels launched and the home page rebuilt, we won't be making SpivO Finance upgrades a priority until later on this year."
SpivO reported a small traffic downturn in March which is believed to be due to missing two channel launch deadlines. The last channel to be launched was SpivO Movie Times in February.
In spite of statistics, SpivO doesn't show signs of concern as SpivO's managing company, Adviatech Corp., ( stated, ".we have not yet begun marketing the channels individually as separate resources. Once we target market each channel, SpivO will show the signs of growth predicted. At this time, we're focusing more on getting SpivO's general awareness increased."
To learn more about SpivO Finance visit
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Contact Details: SpivO 9280 Bay Plaza Blvd Suite 706 Tampa, FL 33619 813.600.3017
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